Catgryph Cliffs

The portal drops you on a rocky ledge and goes on its way, leaving you behind. A cat-sized gryphon backwings and lands on a spot next to you. Startled, you move away from it and it's sharp talons and beak. The cat-gryph bobs it's head and chirps, making a name tag around it's neck catch your attention. The name tag reads "Bayau" and nothing more.

Name: Bayau
Translation: None
Species: Catgryph
Gender: Female
Parents: Unknown

Bayau chirps again and tilts her head, fanning her tail feathers noisily. You both stare at each other for a few moments, then Bayau suddenly leaps off the ledge and glides up out of sight. Confused and worried that you might fall off the cliff ledge, you call a portal to come and get you.