Carhawox Cliffs

You are dropped with a thud onto a bed of rocks. Surprisingly, the inhabitants of the area instantly come out to inspect the strange intruder.

The first is a very cute golden carhawox with caracal facial markings. He walks around you for a moment, then swiftly pecks your kneecap. While you are busy cursing and holding the injured knee, the creature hops away, flashing a name tag that reads "Hark"

Your voice has attracted two more...a white male and a coral-colored female. The female looks content to stand several paces away but the male feels it necessary to inspect you like Hark did. Instead of a peck, he puts his paws up on your leg and licks the nearest hand. You manage to read the name tag on this male before he grows bored. The tag reads Snowdrift...the female's tag is too far away for you to read.

There doesn't look to be anymore of these creatures so you decide to turn back.
The EverRealm

The Carhawox are (c) to Myrror and the background is (c) to me. Nothing on this site is free clipart.