Devi Ridge

You fall from the portal into a pile of gravel. As you stand up, a brightly colored dragon zips over and hovers in front of your nose. You quit moving around, waiting to see what the creature does. It cocks it's head, then chirps and zips past your shoulder. After only a second, another appears. This one is a deep blue color and is much more daring than the other. It lands on top of your head and nestles in your hair.
Achun, female, Fire: SunKiibi, Female, Water: River
While the adult gets comfortable on your head, you remember what exactly these creatures are...Devi! The young water element soon grows tired of sitting on your head so she jumps up and zips away before you can even think to see if they bear name tags. Soon, another Devi comes zooming past, chittering and carrying on in excitement as another pursues on her tail.
Chisama, Female, Air: MoonYoro, Male, Air: Cloud
Those two are soon joined by another pair. These ones chitter and carry on noisily.
Ishi, Female, DreamNonn, Male, Water: Surface
So many of these little creatures. You step back, nearly bumping into a small rock ledge. Underneath the ledge, you can see an impression in the rock that is full of sand. In this "nest" are a pair of devi, adults from the looks of it.
Juu, Male, Fire: SmokeHirou, Male, Earth: Wood

Chi'Golden Plain

The Devi are (c) to DragonFlight, permission for use given by Coyol and the background is (c) to me. Nothing on this site is free clipart.