As you make your way into this secluded meadow, the early morning sky begins to streak with soft gold as the sun peeks over the horizon. The air is cool and slightly breezy but not uncomfortably so and the tall grass still moist with the night's dew. Just ahead, you can see a pale form, distinctly male in size and stature, heading your way. "Sella li, traveler. I see you've made it safetly to the meadows of Charity li Wysa'mitephar...or Promising Horizon in human tongue," he says cheerily, giving you a look over. "Please feel free to roam the Charity's boundries but be well advised not to result to trickery or foul behavior on these lands. I am Wysaflis, the only stallion in the charity at this time. Wysa'mitephar is a small charity but we are still accepting members, both mares and stallions alike, if you know of any interested paints. Pairs are also accepted here. Those interested should take an application."
Wysa smiles at you before continuing. "We are a closed charity so if you'd like to foster a foal, we require that you obtain permission and notify JadeEye if such is granted." Your name will be written down in the books as having permission from that specific pair. Now, if you have further questions, don't be afraid to ask. Please feel free to stop and chat with the mares and the offspring of this charity." |