Rakishi Meadows

A black female nudges your arm, smiling at you with a gentle expression on her face. "I'm Nazu'Desh, Enigma's Thought..." the mare says with a soft lilting voice. She smiles, bobbing her head.

Name: Nazu'Desh
Translation: Enigma's Thought
Species: Rakish
Gender: Female
Parents: Uzushio'E'Aratamete x Zreniz'Jingi
Tribe: None

Nazu laughs. A sturdy, well muscled male approaches Nazu, ears pricked. "Greeting traveler, I have come to introduce myself. I am Sumei'Quierth, Moonlight Dance. I see you have met the beautiful Nazu already." He says this with pride, watching Nazu with sapphire-hued eyes. Nazu blushes.

Name: Sumei'Quierth
Translation: Moonlight Dance
Species: Rakish
Gender: Male
Parents: Unknown
Tribe: None

The last rakish introduces himself as Solan' Kouya, meaning Sun Lace. He, however, does not stick around long. Sumei dips his head to Solan, then addresses you. "You've seen us all, perhaps you'd like to be on your way?"
You nod, heading towards a couple more figures in the distance.

Name: Solan'Kouya
Translation: Sun Lace
Species: Rakish
Gender: Male
Parents: Unknown
Tribe: None

The Star Fissure

The Rakishi are (c) to DragonFlight and the background is (c) to me. Nothing on ths site is free clipart.