Rakishi Meadows

The portal gently sets you down on a tree stump, then continues on it's way. You are left in a large open meadow that is inhabited by equine like creatures. "This must be the Rakishi field..." you mutter to yourself. "Yes, it is." a voice calls out. You turn around and come face to face with a large brown female rakish.

Name: Solin'Valu
Translation: Solitude's Void
Species: Rakish
Gender: Female
Parents: Unknown
Tribe: Wildest Flames

"I'm Solin'Valu, Solitude's Void in your language." She dips her head in greeting, the long, jet black braid swinging lightly. "Kela'Zarilen should be around somewhere. Her name means Hidden Secret." Indeed, Kela approachs you and Solin. She grins and tosses her head. "Hullo! I'm glad you came to our section of the realm. We don't get many visitors."

Name: Kela'Zarilen
Translation: Hidden Secret
Species: Rakish
Gender: Female
Parents: Tenshu'Serra x Getru'Lize
Tribe: Wildest Flames

"Have you meet Lize'Kumo yet?" Kela askes, head toward another female that is approaching. This one is grey with a red tail and mane. On her hindleg is a spider-like marking and her forehead bears a white star. Lize nods at you in greeting.

Name: Lize'Kumo
Translation: Starred Spider
Species: Rakish
Gender: Female
Parents: Unknown
Tribe: None

"We've had quite a few new additions to the realm. They're over there..." She points a hoof towards a group off near a small stand of trees.

The Star Fissure

The Rakishi are (c) to DragonFlight and the background is (c) to me. Nothing on ths site is free clipart.